Selasa, 15 April 2014

Cannot update LogisticPostalAddress

saat ini aku sedang mencoba untuk mengupdate record yang ada di table LogisticsPostalAddress. Tetapi system malah mengeluarkan error seperti dibawah ini "Cannot edit a record in Addresses (LogisticsPostalAddress). Update on a valid time state table is not allowed without specifying a ValidTimeStateUpdateMode."
what u have todo is,... make sure u call validTimeStateUpdateMode method.

here is the example

static void Job12(Args _args)
    RecId   _recid;
    LogisticsPostalAddress      _dlvadress;
    select forUpdate _dlvadress where _dlvadress.RecId == 5637147898;
   // _dlvadress = LogisticsPostalAddress::findRecId(5637147898,true); or ucan try this
        _dlvadress.Address = "Cirebon";


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