Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

SysQuery Class

SpAXrtaaaaaaann!! ...

i want to talk about SysQuery ...
Goose this class is very usefull to make Parameter value u dont have to worried about type of the paramter
its effected to String,Enum,Int,Real etc ...

n this is a sample of using SysQuery

for a range like ...range date (ex.fromdate to date)
element.query().dataSourceName('PurchLine').addRange(fieldnum(PurchLine, DeliveryDate)).value(sysQuery::range(fromdate,todate));

for one value like String,Int,Real
element.query().dataSourceName('PurchLine').addRange(fieldnum(PurchLine, DeliveryDate)).value(sysQuery::value(EmployeeId));

that's alll

you can try it at home ...

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